Quick post just to demonstrate how to get rid of a bundle stuck in download failed state, which happened to me on a VCF 4.2 setup.
The error message was “Unable to download LCM bundle” in my case it was

Find the bundle ID by clicking on View Details. Here’s an example:

Take a snapshot of SDDC Manager. Then proceed to SSH into the SDDC Manager and connect to LCM database using the following commands:
psql -h localhost -U postgres
\c lcm
lcm=# select * from bundle where bundle_id='3f44edc1-6862-4d85-b646-a6bc24698c32';
-[ RECORD 1 ]----------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
bundle_id | 3f44edc1-6862-4d85-b646-a6bc24698c32
bundle_catalog_json |
bundle_catalog_version |
bundle_download_status | FAILED
manifest_json | { +
| "bundleId": "3f44edc1-6862-4d85-b646-a6bc24698c32", +
| "bundleType": "EVORACK", +
| "description": "This VMware Cloud Foundation upgrade bundle to contains features, critical bugs and security fixes. For more information, see https://docs.vmware.com/en/VMware-Cloud-Foundation/4.3/rn/VMware-Cloud-Foundation-43-Release-Notes.html \n This bundle is used for upgrading to and for VMware Cloud Foundation Transformation 3.x to 4.x. If you are performing a Transformation 3.x to 4.x, ignore the 4.2.x - \u003e 4.3.x text displayed below. The Transformation will proceed as expected. ",+
| "bundleVersion": { +
| "major": 4, +
| "minor": 9, +
| "patch": 0, +
| "build": "146602" +
| }, +
| "manifestVersion": 10, +
| "bundleVendor": "VMware", +
| "bundleSize": 10833039360, +
| "bundleElements": [ +
| { +
| "id": "8751ad6e-4322-4899-964b-1e4531bc5b87", +
| "bundleSoftwareType": "SDDC_MANAGER_VCF", +
| "component": "SDDC_MANAGER_VCF", +
| "bundleElementVendor": "VMware", +
| "bundleElementVersion": "", +
| "bundleElementPreviousVersion": "", +
| "checksum": "1c081d85be8676f3ddde8f2638ce839c0b8398f33e988aaf4b07408aa3c2c2cd", +
| "file": "sddc-manager-upgrade.tar", +
| "releaseDate": 1629831600000, +
| "description": "SDDC Manager version update" +
| } +
| ], +
| "installationMetaData": { +
| "bundleId": "3f44edc1-6862-4d85-b646-a6bc24698c32", +
| "installationMetaDataInfos": [] +
| }, +
| "bundleDowntimeRequired": false, +
| "bundleChecksum": "b85d42a06abdf7f8f4e51af206352b73f79d88fcd55a729022dfcc0c870fddb5", +
| "source": "VMware", +
| "releaseDate": "1629831600000", +
| "tarFile": "bundle-47006.tar", +
| "creationTime": 1629824700670, +
| "downloadStatus": "FAILED", +
| "severity": "Critical", +
| "applicableToOlderVersion": false, +
| "complianceCheckRequired": false, +
| "minComplianceLevel": [], +
| "isCumulative": false, +
| "isUserInputRequired": false, +
| "productVersion": "", +
| "isThirdpartyOnlyBundle": false, +
| "isDriftBundle": false +
| }
manifest_version | 10
bundle_type | EVORACK
bundle_version | 4.9.0-146602
creation_time | 2021-08-24 17:05:00.67
I’m going to delete the entry in bundle table using:

now we need to delete the folder named matching the bundle id under /nfs/vmware/vcf/nfs-mount/bundle

Finally restart lcm using systemctl restart lcm
and here we have it, we can download the bundle again